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Red & White Christmas Party

We returned from our cousin’s lovely wedding in Northern California and had just a few days to put together a last minute Christmas dinner for us and a few friends who were in town.

I love incorporating natural materials into decor whenever I can.  Last year we spent Christmas in North Carolina and grabbed some amazing pinecones from my father-in-law’s backyard which I’ve saved to use in our winter party decor.  Since we didn’t have a real tree, but we love that pine smell, my husband clipped a few small branches from the pine trees outside our condo, and we added to that some fresh cut roses and red carnations and PLENTY of candles.  The party was 100% candlelit to add an intimate and elegant charm.

Thoughtful decor, good food, delicious drinks, and great friends is always an infallible combination for a perfect party. What a great way for us to celebrate Christmas than sharing love and friendship.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and to your loved ones!

{Just click on the image to enlarge}