• Vegan Cauliflower Curry

    You’ll love your vegetables on meat-free Mondays or any day of the week when they taste like this. Ok, I know cauliflower isn’t for everyone, but I absolutely love it. A great whipped cauliflower mash and cauliflower fried rice have earned their places on my regular menu, but they’re going to have to make a little room now for their curried cousin.  This is perfect with rice, and maybe a mango lassi.  Check it out and let me know what you think? Ingredients: 1/4 cup cooking oil (ghee) 1 tablespoon ground coriander  1 1/2 teaspoons ground cumin  1/2 teaspoon turmeric  1/4 teaspoon dried red-pepper flakes  1 medium head cauliflower, cut…

  • Turmeric Rice

    Turmeric is a spice often used in Southeast Asia. It is a powerful healer due to its anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties.  Dr. Andrew Weil, one of my favorite authors on integrative medicine, wrote a great article about it here. Just add a teaspoon to your rice, soup, or chicken recipe, or even mix it into your salad dressing.

  • Butter Chicken

    My lovely friend Anumeet sent me her mom’s Butter Chicken recipe because she know how much I love Indian food (and have a mild obsession with Bollywood movies).  I couldn’t wait to stop by my local Asian store to grab some ingredients and try it out. Yes, this variety of ingredients can look intimidating, but the recipe is not difficult, and the ingredients aren’t that expensive (and they should last you a long while). Ingredients: 3 boneless chicken breast or boneless skinless chicken thighs. 3 tbsp Ghee (clarified butter), you can use any other oil, like vegetable oil, but it should be able to stand heat. 1 tsp Garam masala  2 tsp Coriander powder 1…